How Workday developed a multi-year offtake carbon credit strategy

About The Webinar
Companies are leveraging multi-year offtake models to secure risk-adjusted access to the voluntary carbon market and catalyze climate solutions. The benefits are clear for all parties: Climate project developers get committed forward revenue. Buyers guarantee access to high-demand carbon credits at a locked-in price for years to come.
An effective offtake strategy takes considerable planning, from identifying and sourcing projects that align to the company’s climate commitments, conducting due diligence on a range of nature-based and engineered solutions, and planning around potential changes in supply and demand, evolving standards and policy.
While there is no silver bullet, there are best practices and actionable advice that sustainability leaders can follow in leveraging offtake. If you’re a sustainability leader exploring how to set and execute a multi-year offtake strategy, this webinar will dive into best practices and practical approaches.
Join Erik Hansen, Chief Sustainability Officer at Workday and Bee Hui Yeh, Carbon Markets Lead at Patch as they discuss actionable best practices in setting and executing an effective carbon credit procurement strategy.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- The fundamentals of building effective offtake models
- What to consider in structuring a portfolio of credits
- How to optimize an offtake model in an evolving VCM