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The Next Frontier in Carbon Credits: Consumers (Patch x BCG)

Consumer spending is a sleeping giant of climate action potential. If we can unlock even a fraction of consumer spending power, we could direct huge amounts of funding toward climate impact.

Patch partnered with BCG on a new report that surveyed over a thousand consumers on their sentiment and behavior around carbon credits to better understand how to unlock that potential.

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BCG Next Frontier In Carbon Credits
What’s inside

This report includes results and analysis from BCG and Patch of the 1,320 person survey. You’ll learn:

  • What percentage of the representative sample are potential purchasers of carbon credits
  • What factors encourage consumers to purchase credits in a transaction
  • How much consumers are willing to pay for credits in different transactions
  • How behavior was affected by demographic factors and transaction conditions

A buyer’s guide to carbon credits

Get actionable guidance for engaging with the voluntary carbon market, no matter your level of experience:

  • An introduction to carbon credits

A portfolio approach

A long-term outlook on pricing and supply

Guidance that matches your experience level

Carbon markets are complex, and constantly evolving. Buyers need education informed by the latest science that meets them where they are.

01: An introduction to carbon credits
If you’ve never purchased carbon credits before, this guide is your primer on the fundamentals.
02: A portfolio approach
If you’ve purchased credits and are looking to make more impact, this guide gives you the next step.
03: Outlook on pricing and supply
If you’re an experienced buyer, this guide will help inform your near- and long-term climate strategy.

What you’ll learn

To help you take climate action with more confidence, each guide will:
  • Explain the risks and benefits of purchasing carbon credits

  • Provide a strategic pathway to maximizing climate impact and mitigating risk

  • Offer a tactical buying checklist to corporate sustainability leaders

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