How to unlock billions in carbon market demand
5 challenges the largest carbon credit buyers have solved
What’s it really going to take to scale carbon markets to the gigatonnes of annual capacity we’ll need to meet our climate goals? You may think the biggest obstacles to that kind of demand for carbon credits are on the policy side of the equation. Patch has talked to hundreds of buyers who identify a different set of challenges that are just as urgent — but potentially more within their control to solve.

The five phases of the buyer journey have unique challenges
If enough buyers can solve these friction points, we’re convinced they can rapidly accelerate the pace at which private capital can flow to climate solutions with integrity.
Test your knowledge of the challenges that carbon credit buyers face

What you’ll learn
Patch has aggregated data from 400+ conversations with carbon credit buyers, plus information generated within the Patch platform. This report contains:
- The five obstacles to unlocking at-scale demand for voluntary carbon credits
- Anonymized, candid quotes from buyers on the challenges they face during their process
- Statistics from the Patch platform on the current state of carbon markets
- Expert analysis on how buyers can overcome the buy-side obstacles to scale a thriving voluntary carbon market
Download the report
Learn how carbon credit buyers of all experience levels and company sizes streamline their processes and maximize their impact.